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scram [skræm] 名词
俚语 hrana; ogrebotina
技术 sistem protiv kvara
scram [skræm] 动词
俚语 pobeći; izgubiti se; brzo otići; zbrisati; ogrebati kandžama (It's my own fault the cat scrammed me, I was teasing it — Ja sam kriv što me je mačka ogrebala, ja sam je maltretirao); ogrebati noktima (It's my own fault the cat scrammed me, I was teasing it — Ja sam kriv što me je mačka ogrebala, ja sam je maltretirao)
 英语 词库
SCRAM [skræm] 名词
军队 scatterable rapid-arming mine; selective combat-range artillery missile; self-contained radiation monitor; special criteria for retrograde of Army materiel
技术 safety control rod axe man
缩写 Safety Control Rod Ax Man; Secondary Control Rod Axe Man; Specific Challenging Realistic Attainable And Measurable
缩写, 信息技术 Static Column Random Access Memory
缩写, 军队 Safety Cut Rope Axe Man; Self Contained Robotic Acceleration Machine; Shared Common Random Access Memory
缩写, 军队, 航空 selective combat range artillery missile
缩写, 教育 Schools Conflict Resolution And Mediation
缩写, 电子产品, 科学的 Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor
缩写, 编程, 信息技术 Software Configuration Release And Management
缩写, 航空 subsonic combustion ramjet
缩写, 苏格兰语 Supersonic Combustion Ramjet
缩写, 石油/石油 surface controlled reservoir analysis and management system
SCRAM [skræm] 缩写
缩写, 地球科学 simulation of contaminant reactions and movement
缩写, 空间 schedule risk assessment management; space capsule regulator and monitor; station crew return alternative module; supersonic combustion ramjet missile